Hello All, 

For those involved in the child protection response in Ukraine and/or neighbouring countries, we wanted to share some resources and also see if any of our community might have useful resources to add. 

We have started a dropbox folder with some Child Protection resources here, primarily in Ukrainian and Russian.   In this folder, you'll find various guides for mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for adults and children, parenting/caregiver support, explosive ordnance risk education (EORE), considerations for those with disabilities, among others.  Many resources are linked with the COVID-19 response; however, some of the information may still be useful. This folder will be updated regularly as we receive more resources. 

The MHPSS Reference Group also developed an extremely useful resource kit specific to the response (available in English and Ukrainian).  Additionally, you might find this service mapping from the Ukraine MHPSS Technical Working Group helpful.  

What we have available for child protection in relevant languages is limited, so we would be grateful if you might share relevant protection-related resources in Ukrainian, Russian, or other languages (such as Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, or Slovak).  

If there are other resources that would be fitting for the response that require translation, please do alert us as well — perhaps resources related to MHPSS and Psychological First Aid, transnational case management, UASC issues and alternative care, collaboration with other sectors on risk mitigation, etc...  

If you or your organization might be able contribute to translation of resources applicable to the situation, please do reach out. 

To contribute relevant resources, translation services, or other suggestions, please write in the chat below or contact [email protected]

Many thanks, 


Comments (6)

Lauren Bienkowski
Lauren Bienkowski Moderator

Thanks to all who have contributed so far!  We're grateful.  Some of the additions to the dropbox folder include: 

The Child Protection Coordination Group in Ukraine is working with the Protection Cluster and AoRs to update their service mapping, including various hotlines and help centres.   

If you have any resources to add or have questions, contact [email protected] or write in the comments below.   
*Please note that the dropbox folder is not an exhaustive folder containing all relevant Child Protection in Humanitarian Action resources, rather it focuses on those materials in relevant languages for Ukraine and neighboring countries.  

Lauren Bienkowski
Lauren Bienkowski Moderator

Several more resources have been developed or are in development, noting the following in particular: 

WHO, the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children, and Parenting for Lifelong Health have also developed the following: 

If your organization has developed or translated additional resources, please share in the comments.  

Lauren Bienkowski
Lauren Bienkowski Moderator

The Global Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) has updated the Ukraine country page to include more about the humanitarian situation and coordination mechanisms along with a listing of key websites and featured resources.  https://www.cpaor.net/Ukraine 

Also, here are a few child-friendly storybooks that can be used with children who have fled Ukraine and with children who are a part of hosting communities.  The storybooks can be used as coloring books as well and are available in a variety of languages.  More details here:  https://www.cpaor.net/Child-Friendly-Materials-for-Children-Affected-by-the-Crisis-in-Ukraine 

Lauren Bienkowski
Lauren Bienkowski Moderator

Hello All,  New child safeguarding materials:  

Please see newly translated resources from Keeping Children Safe on child safeguarding in Ukrainian, with other languages coming soon.  Other technical support and training opportunities on child safeguarding for organizations responding to the Ukraine crisis are described here:   https://mailchi.mp/keepingchildrensafe/free-cs-resources-in-ukrainian?e=6d8c889772

Terre des hommes (Tdh) has also created short 2-page checklists on how to keep children safe if someone is volunteering to support displaced families from Ukraine, so that they are aware of risks and understand essential DOs and DON'Ts.  It is currently available in English, Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian, and can be downloaded here:  https://childhub.org/en/child-protection-multimedia-resources/how-keep-children-safe-volunteer-responding-ukraine-emergency



Kathleen Murphy
Kathleen Murphy

Hi everyone, to add to the resources already shared, kindly see a set of simple parenting tips/resources to support families impacted by the war in Ukraine to share widely with your networks. 

They are available on our website in 13 languages: https://ukraineparenting.web.ox.ac.uk/home

In a shared Google Drive in multiple formats (incl. PDF, JPG, PNG, QR codes): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1359CLfscEyy-H50mSUmnQb3ETm4f8HhF?usp=sharing

And in video format on YouTube here, in Ukrainian, Russian, and English:

They were developed by the Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) team at University of Oxford in collaboration with the WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, and other international agencies.

If you have any questions about these resources, or need any support in using/sharing them, please feel free to reach me at [email protected]

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